Nolands Ferry to Point of Rocks
September 2020
Today is the 50th Annivesary of the creation of the C&O Canal as a National Park. So a very Happy Birthday wish is in order! I thought I'd take a few minutes to revisit a walk along the canal with my camera back in September.
Ah, summer. Remember when things were still green? It feels like so long ago. I love winter, don't get me wrong, but all the clouds and brown is only really pretty when covered in snow.
I took this particular trek on my bike, stopping first to take a side trail down to the river. The water was perfect this day! Calm and provided a wonderful reflection of the trees and clouds above. Enjoy this little panorama!

After a little time spent gazing at the water, pondering life's questions, I explored the riverbank and woods.
This was my first time taking out my new Canon 17-40mm lens so everything was my subject! Leaves, flowers, tiny bugs, and more!! Sadly, the trail along the river was blocked with overgrown weeds and a fallen tree so I made my way back up to continue my bike ride.

I'm not a huge biker so the flatness of the canal is perfect for my <6 mile bike rides. Which, for me, with constant stops still makes for a 2 hour ride. If you can't tell I love taking photos of trees, and in my opinion the more weird (or interesting) the better! Like the one below that looks like it's bowing or the one that is super leany and looks as if it's been skinned (ew!)

Finally, I have reach my desired end-point, or rather turnaround point, because I do still have to get back to my car. Point of Rocks is a cute little town, probably mostly recognized for the blue, wrought-iron bridge much travelled by commuters to and from Northern VA every day. It also makes for a nice photo too!
I am amazed by how people were able to blast a railroad tunnel out of mountain without the fancy equipment we have today. Of course, I'm sure they had the finest equipment of their time, so who am I to judge. Alright, back on the bike to my car I went!